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Welcome to our 

New Egypt Recreation Baseball

Registration for our Spring 2025 Season is now open!


Please make sure to download the Sports Engine app on your mobile device to receive schedules and communication and subscribe to our calendar for important updates and events for our League!




Sponsor Form

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Please fill out our Sponsorship form or email us

100% of your Sponsorship goes back to our REC Program and players.

New Egypt Recreation Baseball

New Egypt Recreation Baseball is a 100% volunteer organization, and our goal is to provide a positive experience that mentors our ideals of honesty, loyalty, respect, discipline, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. We aim to establish values and provide various quality programs and activities using our facilities to create a healthy mind and lifestyle.  We believe in creating positive experiences by providing both leisure activities and recreational programs that fulfill the community's needs while teaching the mechanics of baseball. We hope to create positive, memorable experiences for our youth that will carry them into adulthood.

The Babe Ruth Baseball program uses regulation and competitive baseball rules and teaches skills, mental and physical development, respect for the game's rules, and fundamental ideals of sportsmanship and fair play. In all aspects, Babe Ruth League, Inc. is committed to providing our participants with the very best educational sports experience possible. It is our fundamental belief that every child desiring to play baseball or softball is afforded that opportunity.

Register Here!

Interested in being a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Team Parent

Background Screening

Thank you Board, Coaches, & Team Parents!

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New Egypt Recreation Baseball

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